About MarketBubby

MarketBuddy was born out of frustration with the old-fashioned interfaces, outdated and stale data, and a lack of quality and easily accessible information in the commercial rental market. After years of tearing our hair out trying to understand the current rental market, we asked ourselves: "Is there a better way?"

In 2020, we set out to build a system that would provide agents with access to current rental data, with emphasis on simplicity, accuracy, and data freshness. We aimed to create a system that would give agents access to current market conditions, as well as historical data that is often old and outdated. Our goal is to fundamentally change the way agents and other users access market data in the rental and commercial sectors.

"We are the only system in Australia that provides access to current on-market vacancy prices!" says Gary Jarrel.

At MarketBuddy, we are committed to making the experience of accessing rental and commercial market data hassle-free, enjoyable, and relevant. Our product is designed to provide users with quality, up-to-date information that is easily accessible.

We welcome feedback, suggestions, and feature requests from our users, as we pride ourselves on innovation and continuously improving our system's usability.

Let us be your Market Buddy, and help you navigate the rental and commercial market with ease.

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