Accurate, real-time insights into any commercial and retail listings in Australia

MarketBuddy’s innovative data discovery platform will give you access to rental pricing, per square-meter rates and other insights for every commercial listing in Australia.

MarketBuddy takes a distinct approach by leveraging up-to-date listing information to deliver current market rents and historic rental data for any Australia suburb.

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Limited time, free and exclusive access for Commercial Agents.

Commercial Property Insights

Use MarketBuddy to obtain comprehensive suburb snapshots or dive deeper into specific industry sectors, floor areas, and price ranges.
MarketBuddy will effortlessly aid you in conducting market reviews or determine accurate pricing for your new listings.

Market Buddy Dashboard Screenshot

Easy Market Review

Tired of those dreaded rental disputes and mediations?

Perform a market review in seconds, not days, with instant access to price estimates and per square meter rates for all current and leased listings across every Australian suburb.

Drill down into exact suburbs, industry sectors, floor areas and price ranges giving you accurate information you require.

MarketBuddy Rental Statistics Widgets for Rental Price, Rates and Counts

Advanced Search

Sick of scrolling though thousands of listings on other websites, just to find a comparable property?

Our advanced search features, will give you specific information to quickly make pricing decisions and provide the right advice to your clients.

Use the advance search features to enrich the current on-market rental data with recently leased properties to gain further insights into the rental market for any Australian suburb.

MarketBuddy Advanced Filters Pop Up

Market Insights

Industry Leading Data Platform

Want insights into current leasing trends across commercial, retail, office and industrial sectors?

MarketBuddy gives you access to over 100,000 current on market listings, as well as historical leased data.

Stay ahead of the game and benchmark the performance of your rentals compared to your peers and competitors.

MarketBuddy Charts Listing Types and Sizes

Do More, Faster!

Get comparable rental evidence instantly!

With our tabular data visualisation tools you can quickly drill down to specific listings that meet your criteria, allowing you to identify trends and patterns, and obtain rental prices and per square meter rates.

Save hours trying to find a rental price for comparable properties with full access to prices often hidden on other websites.

Select listings of interest and generate PDF reports relevant to you and your clients.

MarketBuddy Tabular Listings and PDF Reporting

Save hours on your Market Reviews.

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Limited time, free and exclusive access for Commercial Agents.

Continuous Updates

With daily data updates, you are guaranteed access to the most up to date information.

Our state of the art data sourcing algorithms will ensure the information available to you is current and up to date.

MarketBuddy provides you with the age of any searched listing and when it was last verified.

MarketBuddy will give you confidence that the decisions you make are based on the most up to date information in the market.

MarketBuddy listing card with emphasis on verification time


Branded reports that will make you stand out.*

Need a report for your client to support your pricing advice?

MarketBuddy can generate comparable listing reports in seconds, to give you and your clients confidence in your pricing strategies.

MarketBuddy Listing PDF Report Screenshot

Data Export

Export data into various formats or connect via API.*

Need to get data into your existing systems?

MarketBuddy has you covered with a range of export options for beginners and advanced users alike including all standard formats such as Excel and data feeds.

Your I.T. team will thank you!

Our Clients

Meet some of our clients who are capitalising with MarketBuddy data.